Note: Report Scam Community has conducted many researches before flagging PilotGain as a possible scam in this PilotGain Review.

Website –

 Address – 267 Park Avenue, New York, NY 90210, USA

 Warned By – Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (German)

PilotGain Review

The website ( claims they have nearly 20 years in the stock market. They claim to have traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange. They are based at 267 Park Avenue, New York, NY 90210, USA. You can contact PilotGain via phone at +1 409 987 5874. Nowhere on the site is an email address provided. To learn more, read our PilotGain Review.

The website claims that they manage your funds effectively and easily. Their company can assist the investor with any aspect of finance management.

They provide their services for market research, investment management, and sales and trading. Regarding market research, they claim to provide significant data that can help solve various marketing challenges. On the investment management front, they provide services like asset allocation, stock selection, financial statement analysis, etc. As for sales and trading, i.e., the buying and selling of securities and other financial tools.

PilotGain review: Account Types

They claim to have six account types. An investor or trader can choose an account type according to their own needs. Account types offered are Starter (minimum deposit is $250, bonus on deposit is up to 25%), Trader (minimum deposit is $500, bonus on deposit is up to 30%), Business (minimum deposit is $1,000, bonus on deposit is up to 35%), Gold (minimum deposit is $20,000, bonus on deposit is up to 45%), Platinum (minimum deposit is $50,000, bonus on deposit is up to 65%), and Diamond (minimum deposit is $100,000, bonus on deposit is up to 90%).

As you move up the ladder, other features are added along the way. Note that the percentage of bonus on deposit also increases. It is just to lure investors or traders to deposit more and more amounts to get more bonuses. They do not pay any bonuses.

PilotGain review: Trading

Pilot Gain offers forex (foreign exchange) and CFD (contract for difference) trading. Forex trading is the buying and selling of currencies in pairs. It is a huge market where over $ 5 trillion is traded on a daily basis. The Forex market is open 24 x 5. There are major and minor currency pairs. PilotGain uses AvaProtect, as a risk-limiting tool.

A CFD is a derivative product that pays the difference between the opening and closing prices of a trade. A trader can take a ‘long position’ and a ‘short position’.

The trading platform is their own indigenous developed software (GlobchainsWebtrader), which is web-based. Most traders prefer MetaTrader4 or MetaTrader5 software as their trading platform. To explain the concept of Globchains, there is a special educational package also.

The leverage offered by PilotGain is not mentioned anywhere on its website.

Why not deal with PilotGain?

  • PilotGain is providing financial services but does not have a license to deal in financial products.
  • It is not regulated by any regulatory authority for forex and CFD trading.
  • There are many negative reviews on the internet and social media.
  • PilotGain does not use any known trading platform like MT4 or MT5.
  • Withdrawing your funds or capital is virtually impossible.

PilotGain Review: Conclusion

Perform a chargeback. If you are not too familiar with how to file a chargeback, we at Report Scam will help you. If there are many chargebacks, it will harm and destroy the relationship of the broker with the payment service provider.

We are a community that helps people recover funds from scammers and fraudsters. Our team of experts recovers money from almost any scam, like forex trading scams, cryptocurrency scams, dating/romance scams, binary options scams, pension scams, tax scams, pet scams, travel prize scams, investment scams, fund recovery scams, adoption scams, Paypal scams, Metatrader5 scams, etc.

It is clear from this PilotGain review that this broker is involved in scam activities. If you are a victim of the PilotGain scam, file a complaint here.

We hope this PilotGain review is helpful for you.

Domain Age Information of PilotGain

Date RegisteredFebruary 08, 2022
Domain Age7 months, 15 days, 1 hour, 15 minutes, 46 seconds

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