Note: Report Scam Community has conducted many researches before flagging Hotcoin Global as a possible scam in this Hotcoin Global Review.

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 Address – Australia

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Hotcoin Global Review: Introduction

Hotcoin Global is a cryptocurrency exchange owned by Hotcoin Global Exchange Pty Ltd, which claims to be located in Australia. The company was founded in 2017. They claim that they provide a reliable and safe platform and that their deposit and withdrawal processes for fiat currency are quick and simple. They also offer discounts and promotions, as well as a customer-focused support center. We believe that all of these offers and claims are indeed important, but we have not been able to verify them. Read a complete Hotcoin Global Review to know more about this broker.

Hotcoin Global Review 1

Hotcoin Global Review: Regulation

Checking whether a broker has a regulated license is essential while looking for a trading platform. Examining a broker’s regulated license will reveal whether or not they are authorized to provide trading services in their country. A broker bears the risk of being a con artist without a license from an established body.

Hotcoin claims to be a legitimate and regulated broker, but we did a lot of research on Hotcoin Global that proved that it is not a safe or secure platform for trading. They do not provide any information about their regulated licenser on their websites, implying that they are involved in illegal activities such as cryptocurrency scams or other scams.

Unusual behavior that might indicate that Hotcoin is running a crypto scam

  • Your account has been restricted.
  • You are unable to access your account.
  • Money has vanished from your account.
  • The company’s website is unavailable or down.
  • You are unable to reach your broker.
  • Your account was shut down.
  • Your bank account has been improperly emptied of funds without your knowledge.
  • You can get a free token or a bonus from Hotcoin.
  • After a significant loss, Hotcoin is urging you to make additional investments.
  • To keep using their services, Hotcoin is providing you with bitcoin or an alternative cryptocurrency.

How does the Hotcoin Global scam work?

If you are a new investor on a trading platform, you are a potential target for scam brokers. Scammers may first get in touch with you using a number of platforms, such as internet ads, social media, phone calls, or email. They then invite you to invest with them.

After a few days, you come to the realization that you have been the victim of an online scam, a cryptocurrency scam, a forex scam, or other fraud committed by shady brokers. When you attempt to withdraw money, you are aware that fraudsters have already taken all of your money. Report Scam advises you to check the broker’s regulated license on the regulator’s website before investing.

Hotcoin Global Review: Conclusion

The first step in recovering money lost to HotcoinGlobal scams, or any cryptocurrency scam, should be to report as soon as you can. Fill out the form on the Report Scam website, and we make arrangements for a representative to get in touch with you to assist you in reporting a scam and beginning your fund recovery efforts. We also provide a free consultation to scam victims during the fund recovery.

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