Atropi is a company that leaves no stone unturned in its attempts to deceive by projecting itself as legitimate and competitive. Read this Atropi review to know why we add this broker to our scam brokers list.

From false assertions about its regulatory status to deceptive statements regarding the absence of withdrawal fees and exceptional trading terms, this broker employs an array of strategies. Nevertheless, these efforts do not alter the reality that this entity lacks regulation and is highly probable to be a scam.

Website –

Website Availability – Yes

Address – Suite 305, Griffith corporate center, Beachmont, Kingstown, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Warning – The Central Bank of Russian Federation (Russia)

Regulated – Unregulated

Domain Age –

Date RegisteredMarch 17, 2021
Domain Age2 years, 5 months, 1 hour, 50 minutes, 55 seconds


Atropi Review: Regulation

Atropi asserts itself as a global financial entity with multiple offices dispersed internationally. However, it prominently designates its central office location as St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Furthermore, Atropi emphasizes its regulatory adherence, claiming oversight by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) of SVG and even presenting a license number. 

However, it must be stressed that this assertion is fundamentally flawed due to a significant reason – St. Vincent and the Grenadines do not engage in the regulation of forex brokers nor does it grant licenses for such activities. This reality is easily verified by accessing the official FSA website, where an immediate warning is displayed upon landing, unequivocally stating that forex trading brokerage pursuits lack licensing approval in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

Atropi Review: Trading platform

Atropi LLC provides traders with the renowned and esteemed MT5 platform, a choice held in high regard within the industry. Recognized for its exceptional versatility and reliability, this platform offers an array of valuable features.

These include automated trading through bots, an economic calendar, signals, copy trading functionality, and even the capacity for backtesting trading strategies. However, it’s important to note that employing such capabilities under the banner of an unscrupulous entity like this is a decision that may not be in one’s best interest.

Trading Conditions

The minimum deposit requirements, set at $50, $100, and $200 respectively, are commonly observed amounts and are generally considered standard. Reputable brokers often adhere to similar figures, thus aligning with these levels.

A leverage ratio of 1:1000 is also provided, a remarkably high proportion, as previously mentioned. Those well-versed in trading would advise that such extensive leverage entails significant risks, bordering more on gambling than actual trading.

Displayed prominently on its homepage, Atropi makes a commitment to offer raw spreads starting from 0.0 pips. It’s important to note, however, that this claim can be misleading. Even when enjoying raw spreads, it’s crucial to bear in mind that there could still be accompanying commissions.

Furthermore, Atropi extends a starting bonus to its clients, although it’s essential to exercise caution as bonuses and promotional offers are prohibited within the EU and the UK.

Atropi Review: Customer Support

Atropi asserts that its central office is situated in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Given its renegade reputation, this assertion appears consistent. Furthermore, Atropi maintains that it operates from various other locations including the UAE, Turkey, Singapore, New Zealand, the UK, and Ukraine. Curiously, the broker refrains from disclosing the exact addresses of these alleged offices, opting instead for a rather audacious approach of expecting trust without such information.

Atropi does offer email and telephone contacts, we strongly advise exercising caution when considering any form of outreach due to evident concerns.

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Atropi falls short of meeting the criteria for brokers worthy of investment consideration. The broker’s operations, known for accommodating brokers engaged in dubious activities, constitute its initial downfall. Similarly, the broker’s implementation of excessive trading leverage raises doubts about its true intentions.

In the event that you’ve been targeted by a fraudulent broker, taking prompt action is crucial. Initially, sever all communication with the scammer to mitigate additional harm. By completing a complaint form on our website, you’ll gain access to a free consultation with our team of experts. Our aim is to support you in effectively addressing your situation and finding a solution to overcome the difficulties you’re encountering.

To read more about Scam Brokers and their Reviews, Visit Scam Brokers 2023 Page to avoid Cryptocurrency trading scams, Forex trading scams, or other online scams.

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