Dating/Romance Scams

What is a Romance scam or Dating scam?

Romance Scams, also known as Dating scams, is one of the most widespread scams today. In this online scam, a person is tricked by a scammer who pretends to be in a romantic relationship with the victim. The scammer or cybercriminal creates a fake identity in dating apps or social media online and tricks the victim by gaining the victim’s trust and ultimately asking or blackmailing victims to give money.

Some Facts about Romance Scams

  • In 2019, the FBI reported that the Romance scam was the 2nd most reported crime of that year.
  • The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which is dedicated to helping American traders, reported that over 25000 consumers filed cases of romance scams in the year 2018.
  • 2020 saw the biggest rise in Romance Scams, and FTC reported that $304 Million, was lost in these scams. The trend is continuously going up, and we can see a new big figure in the year 2021.
  • Not just people aged between 20 and 29 or 40 to 69 fell victim to online dating scams, but people above age 70 are also the victims.

How to be safe from Romance scams

Understanding and recognizing the signs of a Romance scam or Dating scam is crucial in protecting yourself from online fraudsters. Online dating scammer photos are often used as tools of deception, luring unsuspecting individuals into fraudulent relationships. The first and most important preventive measure is not to send money to anyone whom you have not met in person. Even if they send you money first, you should not send money because it might be a part of the scam. Do not be too fast in your relationship. Scammers know the trick, and they can make anyone fall in love in a very short period. So be cautious. Be slow and ask questions. One good trick is to perform a reverse search for the photos provided by the person in question. If the other person’s image is associated with another name or details, beware, don’t match up. He might be a Romance Scammer. This proactive approach can stop blackmail online and safeguard you from falling victim to such fraudulent schemes.

Are you a victim of the Romance Scam? Report to ReportScam community!

Are you familiar with the menace of Romance scams or Dating scams? These deceitful practices can leave you feeling vulnerable and stripped of your hard-earned money. What to do if someone is blackmailing you with video is a pressing concern in such situations.

Do not worry as you can still get a refund of what you lost in the Romance scam or dating scam through Dating Scam Recovery Services. Please Contact us, Fill out the form with us, and we will immediately get back to you with the best possible solution and guide you to the best Romance/Dating Scam Recovery service for getting back your funds. Trust us, we are much more experienced than you might think! We will analyze your case and provide complete guidance on the best dating scam recovery process.

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