Note: Report Scam Community has conducted many researches before flagging Etika NFT Trader as a possible scam in this Etika NFT Trader Review. Are you planning to trade with Etika NFT Trader and invest your money? Report Scam suggests you to read this Etika NFT Trader Review first.
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Etika NFT Trader Review: Introduction

In June 2022, a brand-new automated trading app called Etika NFT Trader was made available. Etika NFT Trader is a platform that claims to onboard thousands of people into the NFT industry by making NFT investment simple for users. The website of the Etika NFT Trader was found at They claim to provide a wide range of use cases in which anyone can invest in NFTs. They claim to provide a secure environment for everyone to invest in NFTs. If you want to invest with Etika NFT Trader, read this complete review to learn more about this broker. 

Is Etika NFT Trader legit or a scam?

Etika NFT Trader platform claims that users have to just provide personal details to sign up, like their name, email address, and contact number, and a specialist will connect with them to start their investing journey.

But when you follow the signup process, a CFD broker will be redirected to you. We were oddly routed to a broker by the name of Naga Global. Despite being a European broker, they lack a South African license. They don’t provide NFT trading or creation. They operate as a typical CFD broker. 

Therefore, if you believe that this system would prove that you would have to create an NFT and sell it for millions of dollars, you are wrong. 

Is it safe to invest in Etika NFT Trader? 

After reading the fraud alert about Etika NFT Trader above, you may be curious as to who truly uses the software to generate income.

You can return to the website where you registered and log in there if you need the login for the Etika NFT Trader app. There is nothing to see once you arrive because there isn’t a special trading app.

The goal of the entire system, or “funnel,” is to persuade you to deposit with an offshore broker. Due to the fact that you cannot advertise unregulated brokers on Facebook or Google, registration funnels have been developed.

The Scam Broker Investigator has examined around 900 trading platforms and brokers since 2013. Probably 90% of the brokers we looked at are no longer in operation. Many of the brokers were obvious frauds who defrauded clients out of millions of dollars.

How does investing in cryptocurrencies or NFTs help you make money?

The first step is to find a reputable broker who is licensed and watched over by your country’s financial regulatory body. Visit the Report Scam website to view some well-known brokers.

Understand the differences between trading CFDs and doing so on an exchange. When you can buy and sell bitcoin coins right away on an exchange, there’s no reason to trade crypto CFDs without using leverage. Today, a lot of CFD brokers offer leveraged crypto trading, and their spreads are greater than those of trading on a crypto exchange.

Etika NFT Trader Review: Conclusion

If you believe that you are a victim of an Etika NFT Trader scam or any other online investment scam such as a cryptocurrency scam, forex scam, romance scam, bitcoin scam, gift card scam, social media scam, etc, then file a complaint against scam broker. Report Scam website provides a complaint form, fill it out and submit. We provide a free consultation and help you in the fund recovery process.

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